Monday, January 12, 2009

Movie Mondays

It had been a while since I had seen a vampire movie I liked. 30 Days of Night (yeah, I liked it) was one of the most recent that I could stomach. Even still it had a bit of that Euro-trash vampire stereotype that I haven't been down with. It was still lots of action, which can be alright, but it gets old.

If you are a fan of any kind of horror or cult cinema, you've no doubt heard about Sweden's "Let the right one in"

Not to be confused with

I'm not one to save anything for the page, so I am just going to say that the film was great. One of the best ways to start off my new year. Watch it.

1 comment:

  1. No good vampire movies?!

    I'm guessing you haven't seen twilight then LOL jk
